Pneumonia in People with Down Syndrome | Adult Down Syndrome Center Pneumonia in People with Down Syndrome February 2024 | Brian Chicoine, MD - Medical Director, Adult Down Syndrome Center…
myDSC Webinar Series-Dermatology and Down Syndrome
Join Dr. Jillian Rork, Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics at Dartmouth Health and Dr. Allison Kranyak, Psoriasis and Phototherapy Fellow in the Department of Dermatology at the University…
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LEAD AUTHOR, HANNAH GRAHAM, MD Dr. Graham is a board-certified Family Medicine physician at the Advocate Health Care Adult Down Syndrome Center in Park Ridge, IL. The Center serves…
Down syndrome and Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) Hidradenitis suppurativa (HI-drad-en-I-tis sup-per-ah-TEE-vah or HS) is a chronic condition with recurrent painful bumps and draining sores of the skin. Sometimes it can look…
Down Syndrome and Folliculitis What is Folliculitis? Folliculitis is a skin issue that happens when a hair follicle gets inflamed. Folliculitis is one of the most common skin conditions in…
Down Syndrome and Rashes Around the Mouth There are several types of rashes around the mouth that are common in children with Down syndrome. What types of rashes are seen…
Down Syndrome and Syringomas Syringomas (seer-in-go-mas) are small, skin-colored bumps that can happen on the face in people with Down syndrome. What causes syringomas? Syringomas are small, benign (noncancerous) growths…
Down Syndrome and Dry Skin Dry skin, or xerosis (zee-roh-sis), is one of the most common skin conditions in people with Down syndrome. Dry skin can occur from infancy through…
myDSC Webinar Series-Is it Sensory or Is it Behavior
Dr. Katie Frank and Abby Rowley present, "Is it Sensory or is it Behavior?" In this presentation, Katie and Abby will discuss causes for behavior change and how to determine…
Is Down syndrome a risk factor or contraindication for dental implants? A systematic review
The purpose of this systematic review was to determine the effectiveness of dental implants placed in patients with Down syndrome and whether the condition is a risk factor or contraindication…
Dental care is important for everybody, but people with Down syndrome can have a number of differences that can require special attention. Source: NDSS and author Dr. Jessica Debord, DDS
Heat Tolerance: Temperature Regulation in People with Down Syndrome
Key Points How the body manages (regulates) body temperature is different in people with Down syndrome compared to people without Down syndrome. The difference in body temperature regulation in people…
This Getting an IV Visual explains what happens when we have to get an intravenous line (IV). This visual can help individuals with Down syndrome know what to expect during…
This Getting My Blood Drawn visual explains what happens when we have a blood test done.Source: Katie Frank, PhD, OTR/L - Occupational Therapist, Adult Down Syndrome Center
myDSC Webinar Series-Fiduciary Responsibilities of Conservators and Guardians
Join Amy Willoughby Bryant, the Director of Nashville's Office of Conservatorship Management, for an informative and essential webinar on the fiduciary responsibilities of conservators and guardians. In this session, Amy…
myDSC Webinar Series – Time of Transition: Strategies for Making Transitions Successful
Transitions can be as big as transitioning out of high school or as small as transitioning to a new pair of shoes; but either way they can be a challenge…
Is Down syndrome a risk factor or contraindication for dental implants? A systematic review
The purpose of this systematic review was to determine the effectiveness of dental implants placed in patients with Down syndrome and whether the condition is a risk factor or contraindication…
Dental care is important for everybody, but people with Down syndrome can have a number of differences that can require special attention.Source: National Down Syndrome Society
Movement Is Key to Supporting Adults with Down Syndrome
Over the past few decades, research and greater awareness has helped adults with Down syndrome — and a well-trained support system — to be more physically active in their daily…
How Co-Teaching May Contribute to Inclusion in Mathematics Education: A Systematic Literature Review
This systematic literature review focuses on co-teaching and inclusion in mathematics education. Co-teaching, in which two or more teachers share responsibility for students’ mathematical learning, can cater to students in…
Research and Reality: A Survey of Educators’ Perceptions about Evidence-Based Practices in Inclusive Settings for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
This survey study examined both why and how to best educate students with ID in the American inclusive classroom.Source: Casale-Giannola et al.
Teaching Strategies for Students With Special Needs
Special education ensures students with learning disabilities receive specialized instruction designed to meet their unique learning needs. That way, they too get an opportunity to reach their full academic potential.Source:…
Intensive Intervention Practice Guide: Teaching Self-Regulation Skills to Students With Disabilities (K-12)
Teaching self-regulation skills is beneficial for students of all ages and abilities but is especially impactful for students who have been exposed to trauma and are more likely to lack…
Achieving Inclusion: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Classrooms for ALL Students
Inclusion/ inclusive education is much more than special education services and supports and much more than simply educating students with and without disabilities together.Source: Julie Causton, PhD, Kate MacLeod, PhD,…
Iron deficiency is a condition in which the body does not have enough iron. Iron deficiency can cause anemia (low red blood cell count). This is called iron deficiency anemia.…
Dental care for patients with Down syndrome: Understanding the challenges and accommodations
Learning about your patients with Down syndrome will enable you to provide them with more personal care. You'll make them more comfortable, which will lead to better dental care. Lisa…
A Comprehensive Review of the Relationship Between Oral Health and Down Syndrome
Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) may be more susceptible to oral disorders as a result of a combination of genetic factors, immunological disturbances, anatomical anomalies, and probable difficulties in maintaining…
Orofacial findings and orthodontic treatment conditions in patients with Down syndrome – a retrospective investigation
The most common chromosomal anomaly is Down syndrome/Trisomy 21, which can be associated with varying degrees of intellectual disability and physical malformation. Specific orofacial characteristics regarding orthodontic treatment options and…
Periodontal disease in down syndrome: Predisposing factors and potential non-surgical therapeutic approaches
Periodontal diseases (PDs) have been documented to be significantly more prevalent and severe in patients with Down syndrome (DS). Different immunological and microbiological factors contributed to predisposing these patients to…
Pediatric Psoriasis with or without Arthritis: Does It Make a Difference?
Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis can present simultaneously or separately in children and may pose a diagnostic challenge. The objective of this study was to compare the dermatological manifestations in pediatric…
Co-occurring Conditions in Children with Down Syndrome and Autism: A Retrospective Study
Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most common genetic causes of intellectual disability, and it is associated with an increased incidence of numerous co-occurring conditions. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)…
Diagnosis and treatment of late-onset myoclonic epilepsy in Down syndrome (LOMEDS): A systematic review with individual patients’ data analysis
The late onset myoclonic epilepsy in Down Syndrome (LOMEDS) is a peculiar epilepsy type characterized by cortical myoclonus and generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS), in people suffering from cognitive decline in…
Is There an Adequate Therapeutic Approach to Thyroid Pathology in Patients with Down Syndrome?
Thyroid dysfunction stands as the most prevalent endocrine disorder in individuals with Down syndrome, particularly showcasing both clinical and subclinical hypothyroidism. The objective of this study was to analyze the…
Emotional and Behavioral Features Associated with Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome
Subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) is particularly frequent in individuals with Down syndrome (DS). Despite the amount of evidence suggesting SH is associated with psychopathological symptoms and sleep problems in general population,…
Micronutrient status in children and adolescents with Down syndrome: systematic review and meta-analysis
Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic disorder. To date, the scientific literature regarding micronutrient status in children and adolescents with DS has not been systematically reviewed. Therefore, the…
Recurrent Respiratory Infections in Children with Down Syndrome: A Review
Down Syndrome (DS) is the most common chromosomal abnormality compatible with life. The life of patients with DS can be strongly impacted by Recurrent Respiratory tract Infections (RRIs), leading to…
Improving B-ALL Outcomes in Children With Down Syndrome
LEUKEMIA Improving B-ALL Outcomes in Children With Down Syndrome Tori Rodriguez, MA, LPC, AHC|January 5, 2024 Child patient with Down syndrome. Several studies sought to elucidate outcomes as well as…
Hypovitaminosis D in persons with Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder
Plasma levels of vitamin D have been reported to be low in persons with Down syndrome (DS) and existing data is limited to small and homogenous cohorts. This is of…
Ayuda para los representantes de beneficiarios y fiduciarios del VA
Esta guía es para quienes han sido designados por una agencia gubernamental para administrar los beneficios de ingresos de otra persona, como los cheques de beneficios del Seguro Social o…
This guide is for those who have been appointed by a government agency to manage another person's income benefits, such as Social Security or Veterans Affairs benefit checks.Source: Consumer Financial…
Ayuda para fideicomisarios bajo un fideicomiso en vida revocable
Esta guía es para aquellos que han sido nombrados fideicomisarios en virtud de fideicomisos en vida revocables.Source: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Ayuda para los guardianes o tutores de propiedades nombrados por el tribunal
Esta guía está dirigida a quienes han sido designados por un tribunal como guardianes de bienes o tutores, otorgándoles el deber y el poder de tomar decisiones financieras en nombre…
Help for Court-Appointed Guardians of Property and Conservators
This guide is for those who have been appointed by a court to be guardians of property or conservators, giving them the duty and the power to make financial decisions…
Esta guía es para aquellos que han sido nombrados en un poder legal decisiones sobre dinero y propiedades en nombre de otra persona.Source: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
This guide is for those who have been named in a power of attorney to make decisions about money and property for someone else.Source: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
National Down Syndrome Congress Grassroots Advocacy Manager Jawanda Mast discusses policy advocacy and how you can make a difference through grassroots advocacy. Source: LuMind IDSC Foundation
Bullying can happen to any child, but children with special needs are at an increased risk. Some children with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to harassment and may lack the social…
Identifying Substance Abuse Among Clients With Intellectual Disabilities
Identifying Substance Abuse Among Clients With Intellectual Disabilities By: Elspeth M. Slayter, PhD So, your field placement involves work with clients who have intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (ID/D,…
Developing A Down Syndrome Health Instrument w/Dr. Stephanie Santoro
Dr. Stephanie Santoro from Massachusetts General Hospital's Down Syndrome Clinic discusses her research in developing a Down syndrome instrument to enhance healthcare for individuals with Down syndrome on The Lucky…
Behavior and Down Syndrome: A Practical Guide for Parents
While there are several very good books that address general child behavior, there is not much information available for families specifically designed to support positive behavior for children with Down…
Including ALL Students in Schoolwide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
Schoolwide positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS) is a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) framework designed to systematically teach, model, and reinforce appropriate social behaviors (Boden et al., 2018). This…
Whole group discussions allow the students to ask and answer questions, building on what their peers contribute. Facilitating a whole group discussion requires more than simply asking a question to…
The Use of Graphic Organizers in Inclusive Classrooms for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Classroom teachers have used graphic organizers for years to help students gather, sift through, organize, and share information. Graphic organizers are appealing because they have a wide range use and…
The Power of Peers: Introduction to the Peer Engagement Implementation Guides
Relationships with peers are a defining feature of inclusive education. Schools that are committed to inclusion provide numerous forums for students with and without disabilities to learn together in ways…
“What to Expect?” Toolkit – Preparing your loved one with Down syndrome for PET and MRI imaging
Having a PET or an MRI scan is a daunting experience for anyone. As brain imaging becomes more commonplace for people with Down syndrome, families may struggle with preparing their…
NIH designates people with disabilities as a population with health disparities
Tuesday, September 26, 2023 NIH designates people with disabilities as a population with health disparities Designation, new research program and update to NIH mission are actions to ensure inclusion…