Elevated Temperatures Ask Dr. Brian ChicoineHealth and Research – Other Elevated Temperatures Question: Sometimes my child with Down syndrome will have an elevated temperature in the afternoon…Kim WarrenSeptember 26, 2023
Immune Deficiency and B Cell Lymphopenia Ask Dr. Brian ChicoineHealth and Research – Other Immune Deficiency and B Cell Lymphopenia Question: My daughter was originally diagnosed with B Cell Lymphopenia when she was 4 after…Kim WarrenSeptember 26, 2023
Duodenal Atresia and Hirschsprung’s Disease Ask Dr. Brian ChicoineHealth and Research – Other Duodenal Atresia and Hirschsprung’s Disease Question: My son was diagnosed with duodenal atresia prior to birth. He had a surgical…Kim WarrenSeptember 26, 2023
Sleep Disturbance in People with Down Syndrome and Alzheimer’s Disease Ask Dr. Brian ChicoineHealth and Research – Alzheimer's/Dementia Sleep Disturbance in People with Down Syndrome and Alzheimer’s Disease Question: My brother is 60 years old with late stage Alzheimer's Disease. He has begun…Kim WarrenSeptember 26, 2023
Decline in Skills and Regression in Adolescents and Adults with Down Syndrome Webinar Recording (8/31/2022) Health and Research – Alzheimer's/DementiaHealth and Research – Behavior Decline in Skills and Regression in Adolescents and Adults with Down Syndrome Webinar Recording (8/31/2022) Individuals with Down syndrome may experience decline in skills for many reasons, some of which…Kim WarrenJune 8, 2023
Laryngopharyngeal Reflux, swallowing dysfunction, persistent cough Ask Dr. Brian ChicoineHealth and Research – Other Laryngopharyngeal Reflux, swallowing dysfunction, persistent cough Question: My 45 yr. old daughter has recently been diagnosed with LPR. and prescribed momeprazole…Kim WarrenJune 5, 2023
Lip Tie Ask Dr. Brian ChicoineHealth and Research – Other Lip Tie Question: My son has DS and is almost 9 years old. We have been in…Capetivate capetivateMarch 21, 2023
myDSC Webinar Series – Bias in the Health Care System: Advocating for People with Down Syndrome Health and Research – Other myDSC Webinar Series – Bias in the Health Care System: Advocating for People with Down Syndrome Progress has been made in reducing bias against people with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities.…Capetivate capetivateOctober 2, 2022
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Medications, Atomoxetine Ask Dr. Brian ChicoineHealth and Research – Mental HealthHealth and Research – Other Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Medications, Atomoxetine Question: Is Atomoxetine recommended for teenagers with DS? Is there any medical evidence for cognition…Capetivate capetivateMay 19, 2022
Alcohol Use Disorder Ask Dr. Brian ChicoineHealth and Research – Other Alcohol Use Disorder Question: Can you provide specific mental health resources that would address challenges related to alcohol…Capetivate capetivateMarch 9, 2022