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This edition of the newsletter includes relationships, the Teaching Healthy Boundaries and Relationships webinar, LIFE-DSR update and more.

mydsc february newsletter

Ah, February. The month of love.


February is not only about Valentines, though. It can also be about self-love and self-care (remember we talked about making yourself a priority and practicing self-care last month? 😉) and fostering your relationship with family and friends.


If you’re a parent of a teenager like I am, though, then you may understand my hesitancy in trying to navigate my way through the evolution of maturity that includes dating, relationships, and all the fun stuff that goes along with it. This month’s myDSC webinar, Teaching Healthy Boundaries and Relationships, should be enlightening and hopefully, build a confidence in having those conversations with our children who are on the verge of dating or are already in a relationship.


You can also find relationship and dating articles in the myDSC resource library.



02092023 healthy boundaries and relationships
This webinar will explore tips and tools for addressing sexuality one-on-one with your children. We will explore why this topic can be difficult to approach and useful tools that will help you become more comfortable and confident and communicate about this sensitive topic.
research webinar series gnrh
Research recently published in the journal Science raises the possibility that a currently-approved drug may offer an effective boost in cognition and smell when administered to people with Down syndrome.

The new research is based on a theory that as their brains develop, people with Down syndrome tend to lose special neurons that make an important protein, called gonadotropin-releasing hormone or GnRH.


Dr. Vincent Prevot and Dr. Nelly Pittleoud will present the findings of their pilot study on GnRH replacement therapy in 7 adults with DS as a means to boost cognition and smell in people with Down syndrome, as well as the protocol for the new double-bind, placebo-controlled study that will be launched in spring 2023.


Webinar Recording Available

01 2023 santoro ivig
The on-demand recording from the DSRD webinar is available through our website. In addition to the recording, this resource from the Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group (DSMIG) is available in the myDSC resource library. It can be can printed and provided to your child’s physician.

myDSC Resources –
I want to hear from YOU!

What myDSC resources do you use the most? What features have been helpful? Webinars, the resource library, Ask Dr. Chicoine, discount on DSC2U, etc? Please email Michelle at to share your thoughts.  We are constantly working on improving myDSC to better empower individuals with Down syndrome and your families with resources that you can use. What would you like to see more of? I’d love to hear your feedback!

What’s New with LIFE-DSR?

Researchers have already learned important information from early analysis of plasma biomarker data from the LIFE-DSR study, and now the Down Syndrome Clinical Trial Network (DS-CTN) and the LuMind IDSC Research Consortium are embarking on a new phase of the study to build on that biomarker data success.


In 2023, LIFE-DSR will add to its activities a special sub-study to meet researchers demand for biomarker data in the Down syndrome population. In the next few months, some LIFE-DSR participants will be invited to provide additional biomarker data that when correlated with long-term clinical data, will prove vitally important to future clinical trials, paving the way for access to therapeutics, interventions, and medications that are safe and meaningful for people with Down syndrome.


Sub-study activities will not be offered at all LIFE-DSR sites, and the sub-study procedures LIFE-DSR participants have to choose from (MRI and PET and/or CSF collection) will only be available to participants who fall in a certain age range and who have a particular interest in and facility for more in-depth testing. LuMind IDSC as well as our industry and network partners are looking forward to launching this next step in the Longitudinal Investigation for the Enhancement of Down Syndrome Research (LIFE-DSR).

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20 Mall Rd Ste 200, Burlington, MA 01803
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Source: LuMind IDSC

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