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The results suggest a broad impairment in EF in adolescents with DS, and are consistent with several similar studies conducted with adults with DS. We assume that EF deficit is a characteristic of DS.

Executive function in adolescents with Down Syndrome

First published: 20 March 2010
Citations: 209


Background  The present work is aimed at analysing executive function (EF) in adolescents with Down Syndrome (DS). So far, EF has been analysed mainly in adults with DS, showing a pattern of impairment. However, less is known about children and adolescents with this syndrome. Studying adolescents with DS might help us better understand whether performances on EF tasks of individuals with DS are determined by age or by Alzheimer disease, as some studies suggest, or whether their performances are directly related to DS cognitive profile.

Method  A battery of EF tasks assessing set shifting, planning/problem-solving, working memory, inhibition/perseveration and fluency, as well as a tasks assessing sustained attention has been administered to a group of 15 adolescents with DS and 15 typically developing children matched for mental age. All EF tasks were selected from previous studies with individuals with intellectual disabilities or from developmental literature and are thought to be useful for the samples considered.

Results  The present results revealed that the group of individuals with DS performed at a significantly lower level on tasks assessing set shifting, planning/problem-solving, working memory and inhibition/perseveration, but not on the tasks assessing fluency. In addition, individuals with DS demonstrated a greater number of errors and less strategy use for the sustained attention task.

Conclusions  The results suggest a broad impairment in EF in adolescents with DS, and are consistent with several similar studies conducted with adults with DS. We assume that EF deficit is a characteristic of DS.


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  • RCAN1 Knockdown Reverts Defects in the Number of Calcium-Induced Exocytotic Events in a Cellular Model of Down Syndrome, Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 10.3389/fncel.2018.0018912, (2018).
  • Impacts of low or vigorous levels of physical activity on body composition, hemodynamics and autonomic modulation in Down syndrome subjects, Motriz: Revista de Educação Física, 10.1590/s1980-657420180001001324, 1, (2018).
  • Social knowledge and social reasoning abilities in a neurotypical population and in children with Down syndrome, PLOS ONE, 10.1371/journal.pone.020093213, 7, (e0200932), (2018).
  • Memory profiles in Down syndrome across development: a review of memory abilities through the lifespan, Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 10.1186/s11689-017-9220-y10, 1, (2018).
  • Inhibition, shifting and updating in relation to psychometric intelligence across ability groups in the psychiatric population, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 10.1111/jir.1255963, 2, (149-160), (2018).
  • Impact of sleep on executive functioning in school‐age children with Down syndrome, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 10.1111/jir.1249662, 6, (569-580), (2018).
  • See more

Source: Europe PMC