Down Syndrome and Dry Skin
Dry skin, or xerosis (zee-roh-sis), is one of the most common skin conditions in people with Down syndrome. Dry skin can occur from infancy through adulthood. Frequent moisturizing and changes to lifestyle habits, such as bathing and laundry, can often keep it under control.
What does dry skin look like?
- Rough, bumpy, flaky, cracked, and/or peeling skin on the face and body
- Thick skin on the elbows, knees, and bottoms of the feet called “hyperkeratosis”
- Light, dark, or pink patches of rough skin
- Itchy skin, which can cause scratching and open sores
Seungmin Woo, BA
Allison Kranyak, MD
Esteban Fernandez-Faith, MD
Mary Larijani, MD
Jillian Rork, MD
Kishore Vellody, MD
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