As you might know, a local Down syndrome organization is hosting a gathering at Great Wolf Lodge in Fitchburg, MA on the same weekend as the LuMind IDSC Family Weekend national event in 2024. Because the local event was scheduled before our national dates were launched, LuMind IDSC won’t host our event in Fitchburg this year.
We’re disappointed, but we know families will have a great time partying with the local group!
As a means of honoring our longstanding commitment to use funds previously earmarked for the vibrant New England community, LuMind IDSC is offering families the opportunity to win one of 12 drawings of Great Wolf Lodge gift cards to support their attendance at the local event in 2024! Learn how to enter the drawing, and get details online here.
We view this collaborative approach as consistent with LuMind IDSC’s dedication to nurture a supportive community, and we eagerly anticipate the return of the LuMind IDSC Family Weekend to Fitchburg on September 12-14, 2025. In the meantime, you are more than welcome to join LuMind IDSC at any of our 20 sites this year, and take advantage of the benefits and fundraising opportunities we offer.
We appreciate your understanding of this special set of circumstances in 2024, and we hope to see you in 2025, if not before!